January 11, 2009

It's 2009 Already

I haven't written on this log for a really long time. It's already 2009 now. So much has passed. I'm gonna try to sum up the remaining months of 2008 into this one post.

Months ago, around April, midway of doing my final paper, I resigned from my part time job. Well I can't really call it resigning. One day I just told my bosses that I was taking leave to work on my paper. After two weeks, I really didn't have the motivation to return. Other factors had a part: like the fact that there was no real contract or anything, and, also because I was so excited about the new company we started, well, I just never came back.

Jumping to around August, after finishing my final paper, I had to defend it against a panel of lecturers, you know, the usual stuff. The lecturer who "sponsored" my final paper was really excited, and told me that mine was really good. The panel consisted of three old guys, two of them gave me top points, but the third geezer, damn that man, I suspect he gave me the minimum score, just to stop me from getting an A. So the result was that I got a stupid B for this six credit paper.

Having finished all this, I was now done with my undergraduate studies, I was happy and relieved, obviously. I only needed to wait for my graduation and bachelor's degree. I spent my days playing games at home, but I also started to really work on my new company. There were eight of us in the beginning. I was in charge of the web division, which was good, considering I loved the Internet. I didn't start applying for jobs yet.

Ooh yeah, The Rice Project did not come through. But we delivered around three websites that payed okay, but it did not pay well enough for me to get any cash from it. That's the risk of being a new company, I thought back then.

Now let's jump to a couple of days before December 2008, I had the graduation ceremony on that day. I wasn't super happy though, my GPA was a shithouse number below 3.0 - that worried me. Around that moment, I was already looking around for jobs and sending my resume everywhere. Also, the company had a decent number of clients, but was financially always in the red, not even close to making real profits. Which meant: still no money for me.

New years eve 2009. I spent it with high school friends at a hotel in one of the satellite towns just off Jakarta. Just a very small group of close old friends, partying at a decent but not too crowded hotel. Strangely, the dance floor seemed to have more hotel employees dancing than guests. Had some fun.

Now, the present. Currently I am working on a new project for an old client. It's going alright. But the thing that is currently always on my mind is: backpacking. My mom gave me a book about somebody "traveling around Europe with only $1000" - an amount I can realistically acquire. I read it, and was intrigued. So I've started planning for it: just backpacking a month around Europe, using the Eurail train system, sleeping in strangers houses. I set a date: the second week of March this year. I have never gone backpacking - and I have never gone to Europe. I haven't done anything significant after graduating, so this might be something new that I can try.

Well, that sums up 2008 and the first week of 2009. Hopefully I'll remember to update more.

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