September 18, 2010

It's 2010 Now

This is a becoming a trend. Writing in my log book once a year. It's stupid and completely defeats the purpose of having a log book. Let's just summarize the events happening between the previous blog post and this one.

Backpacking around Europe. I think Americans and people from other rich countries don't understand how lucky they are. As a person that was born in a poor country, oh the hoops they make you go through just to get a visa. You basically have to prove that you're not going to be an illegal immigrant, or a fucking terrorist - and even after that, they still search for reasons to bar you from visiting.

I wanted to become a backpacker for a month. The fat lady at the counter said, "You just don't fit the profile." And just like that. One dream goes down the drain.

My start up company. We were expanding. Really, really expanding, way more than just working on web projects. We had partnerships with government companies, big shot media guys, and such and such. Still, working project by project, turns out did not really fit me. Deep down, I wanted to work corporate, at a multinational company.

Then boom. A big American bank offered me a position as an intern. I had to try out, obviously. At first, I tried to balance between the start up and the internship. But alas, I had to choose one. I chose the multinational.

Looking back, I think I made the right decision. I am now an officer at the bank, working as sort of a data analyst. I hope to make assistant manager by next year. This was a bank with a really big reputation. One of the huge banks that got a bail out from the US government back in 2008. Working here also seemed to make my parents proud. And of course, in every conversation, people would say "Wow!" rather than, "Oh, freelance."

Getting a "real" job also is one of the reasons I say that my dream of backpacking around Europe is down the gutter. Because now, there is no way I can get 30 days off to go on vacation. Made me bitter, really.

What's next for me? Climbing up the career ladder of course is top priority. But I also want to continue my studies. Where? You guessed it: Europe. I'm starting to learn German using the Internet now. Even changed my BlackBerry's language settings to German.

There is still time to dream. Signing off.