December 20, 2017

I found my old blog!

Seven years later, 2017 is ending.

Looking back at my log, so many things have changed. And many dreams have been forgotten. I'm happy that I made this log; I realized what I used to want so much, I don't even think about anymore. Things we currently consider important, might not matter at all. Feelings, sadness, anxiety, all of it is so temporary, I can't believe I used to spend so much energy on it.

Europe and getting my master's degree for instance. I no longer think about this. The old company I made with my university friends: I don't even know how it's going. Only two out of the original eight still remain.

One thing that I did from my previous post: "career ladder" - I listed it as a "top priority" in my last post. I guess I really did focus on that, and I think it paid off. Seven years ago I unexpectedly got hired at the lowest level position in the biggest US bank (Indonesia branch, of course), then I moved to the biggest Australian bank, then to the third biggest bank in Singapore. And soon, in early 2018 I will be moving to one of the big four audit companies, not as an auditor, but as a management consultant.

Biggest and scariest career move so far. I never dreamed of getting in this company because I don't fit the criteria. They only accept people from the top universities or from abroad, and even then, only the best GPAs. I didn't go to any top Indonesia university, and making it even worse, my GPA was shit (hmm, I even wrote about my shit GPA in my 2009 post)!

But I guess I have really matured and I realized have so much to be thankful for. Adapt, improvise!

Sometimes I can't believe I have money now. I can buy anything I want. I didn't have that as a child, even now when I go the convenience store, I feel so much joy buying small things like ice cream.

And finally, I also have my own family. Complete with a wife and a kid. My child is three years old now. Her life and future is in my hands. I have accepted that it is no longer about me. Sacrifices must be made.

In 2013 I started another "log" on an app called Day One (and I also never update it), so I guess this is my last post here. I never linked or posted this blog anywhere, because I treated it as my personal diary. Six posts in ten years: turns out I'm not a diary-kind-of-guy.

I'll just use this Blogger account to comment on interesting blogs. Wait, it's 2017, do people still use Blogspot?